E-paper CMS

Our e-Paper CMS provides a robust platform which is constantly improving and testing fresh concepts in digital edition. The e-paper impacts in several ways starting from customizing design and UX features to enhancing revenue and broadening reader base.

Management Information System (MIS)

A Student Fees Management System is a software application designed to help educational institutions efficiently manage and track the payment of fees by their students. This system allows administrators to create fee structures, generate invoices, and process payments. It also provides students with a convenient and secure way to make payments online and view their payment history. The system can also generate reports to help administrators analyze fee collections, outstanding payments, and other financial data. Overall, a Student Fees Management System can streamline the fee payment process, reduce errors, and improve transparency and accountability.

SQL Tutorial ROLLUP and CUBE

rollup( ), cube( ) clause are used to calculate subtotal, grand total. it will generate subtotals for all combinations of the dimensions specified.

SQL Having Clause

The HAVING clause used because we are not allowed to use WHERE clause after GROUP BY clause. If we want to restrict something in a table then we are using HAVING clause followed by GROUP BY clause.


Group by clause is used to arrange similar data items into set of logical groups. If a column having same values in multiple rows then it will arrange those rows into a group. We can also use group by clause without using group functions.

CRUD with codeigniter jquery and ajax

codeigniter ajax crud using datatables insert add data,display data using ajax in codeigniter,codeigniter crud with pagination,codeigniter jqgrid crud,ajax in codeigniter ,crud postgresql php codeigniter codeigniter crud using ajax bootstrap models and mysql source code,fetch data using ajax in codeigniter,CRUD(Create, Read, Update ,Delete) is very important part of any dynamic web applications. The jquery and ajax is help load data from database server without reload and refresh the web application. Reload of web application it’s take more time as compare to the ajax..

Codeigniter TinyMCE with Responsive Filemanager

We will learn how to use wysiwyg html editor on codeigniter framework with Responsive Filemanager. TinyMCE is editor provide the html code automatically. The Responsive filemanager is a free open-source file manager and image manager that offers a nice way to upload and insert files, images and videos..

PHP Crud Operation

In every programming we need create, read, update, and delete are the four basic functions for database storage.